The current market outlook suggests we are setting up a Spring structure in the Wyckoff's accumulation model. Although it might seem a bit late for the Spring Season, I'll take it!!! The timing aligns with the 28th week of the year, a significant number in many contexts.
The number 28 holds deep meaning. It is known as a "Perfect Number" in mathematics because it is equal to the sum of its divisors (1, 2, 4, 7, 14). This mathematical elegance gives 28 a special place in Numerology and the study of numbers. Additionally, 28 is often considered the Number of Wealth and is even viewed by some as the Number of God, symbolizing completeness and divine creation.
In the context of the markets, these numbers can be seen as an auspicious sign. The current setup offers excellent buying opportunities, aligning with the symbolism of 28. The market is providing a chance to accumulate assets at potentially undervalued prices, setting the stage for future gains. This alignment suggests that now is a strategic time to consider investments, leveraging the unique opportunities presented during this period.
The Wyckoff "Spring phase," is characterized by a final shakeout before a significant uptrend, and this period indicates that the market is primed for recovery and growth. It’s a phase where strong hands and Pioneers accumulate assets from weaker ones, setting up for a Bullish phase. This, combined with the numerological significance of the 28th week, creates a powerful narrative for our potential to build wealth, and come one step closer to Financial Stability.
In summary, the market’s current structure and timing offer a compelling case for strategic investment. The confluence of Ricard Wyckoff's principles and the symbolic weight of the number 28 makes this an intriguing and potentially rewarding period for market participants.
July 8th, 7/8.
"Was at 28 but dropped as I Screenshotted this."
We know that the 28th week of the year started on 7/8, a very powerful number to start the week with. The number 28 represents a perfect number and the number of wealth, and we can see a large influence in the markets from the Cult of "Zion=28" and the "Zionist=28" that help control the world and our monetary policy. Maybe this is why we find ourselves sitting at a 28 on the Fear and Greed index, in the 28th week of the year, 2 months and 24 days before the Jewish Hebrew New Year this year in the 2024 year... "Israel=28," "The Israelites=28," and the Jewish Hebrew culture may truly be flaunting their power over finances right in front of our faces, I expect their presence to be a large role this week on the World Stage. Are they showing us a future BTC price of $28K? I highly doubt it, but we certainly won't panic if it comes in. Instead, we'll be buying the dip, my friend! That would be showing us some "Lucifer=28" type of vibes in the charts. "Talk about Hopeium!!!!" This would truly Shake up the Game and Fake Out so many investors that treat Money like Their GOD! "Money/God=28."
The fact that the 28th week started on 7/8 isn't surprising either, it is a true connection to Money as well, "Blackrock Inc.=78" are some of the biggest financial rulers of the modern era. Even our US Dollar Bill is tied to this 78, Novus Ordo Seclorum=78 and that's on the back of every $1 Bill, it is Latin for "New Order of the Ages." This ties us right into the Future of currency as well, Cryptocurrency=78, Blockchain=78. July 9th, 7/9.
Stay Golden, Ponyboy! This is something I always tell my Pioneers—to stay GOLDEN! For those who may not know, my name is John Michael Schuch, and I founded the Daily Candle Close News a few years ago. It wasn’t until after the fact that I realized my name, "John Michael Schuch=79," matched the name of my channel and website, "Daily Candle Close News=79." This numerical connection has reinforced my belief that I am on the right path in life, fulfilling my purpose in this realm. I Am Simply "Becoming My Higher Self."
I am committed to teaching my Pioneers to become "Titans=79" among men by sharing my knowledge, my "Gnosis=79" with them. Gnosis, the Greek word for knowledge, it was rooted in Ancient Greece, where monetary policy began with the first bankers, the Knights Templar. In those times, a "Gold Coin=79" represented the value of the world.
This connection between numbers and meaning underscores the significance of our journey together even to this day, as we teach about a New Gold Coin, Bitcoin, which we believe has hit a "Spring=79" in Wykoff Accumulation recently as we started the 28th week of the year this week. The Great 76 Event Donald John Trump=76.
Did Ya Do It Again Coach? We Did It Again Pioneers! For Months this year we have prepared our Pioneers and Spartans for a Great 76 Event that we would see manifest itself on the World Stage! ALL BY THE CODE, the "Skull and Bones=76" code, and surely enough one of the Shooters Thomas Matthew Crooks=76, and we saw a Death Ritual for this man yesterday after the Secret Service eliminated this Treat on the former President. This Ritual has confirmed the first Domino falling in the Next 9/11 "September Eleventh=76" Event, A "Boaz and Jachin" Twin towers Ritual. In our April 15th Blog we shared how Barack Obama was doing a Scripted video in front of a picture of Abraham Lincoln another Former President in our history that was Assassinated. We asked then what was he trying to tell us and imply? Now we know, and honestly, we've known since we saw this back in April what we'd soon see, but You Don't Hear Me Though! This happened at his Pennsylvania Rally=76.
Let's elaborate on this 9/11 connection even more for everyone! So, no one can say "It's All A Coincidence." We know Obama's Birthday is August 4th, "8/4" and this assassination attempt was exactly 8 Weeks 4 Days from the upcoming 9/11 date, tying us back into Obama and his birthday in just a few weeks. if we look at Obamas last birthday it was exactly 11 Months and 9 Days ago, so once again confirming the Next 9/11 event has started, and I don't believe it ends here, more is certainly to come. We know Barak's birthday is on the day leaving 149 days left in the year, bringing us back full circle to the Brotherhood of Death, Skull and Bones=149, and this attempt to Kill Trump was exactly 49 Weeks and 1 Day since Barack's last birthday. Thats an Anagram of 149-491.
Now, 9/11 we know was the day leaving 111 days left in the year, and we just witnessed "The Shot Heard Around the WORLD=111" there are Reports that there may have been 2 Shooters, Mark Gregory Violets has been identified by people as the second shooter, this is a well-known "Antifa=111" member, now weather or not this holds any validity I truly have no idea, but it's the word going around. either way the code is what matters here, NOT SEMANTICS! Trump was Shot in "The Right Ear=119" getting a "Head Wound" and to me this is just more clarity and confirmation that this man is exactly who they speak about in Revelations 13:3, "THE BEAST OF REVELATIONS=111," a direct tie to "Lucifer Morningstar=111." Obama was also born on the 216th day of the year, that's 6x6x6=216. the 6th Cube number in
Let us not forget that this happened exactly 11 Months and 1 Day before trumps next birthday, so another 111 connecting us back to 9/11, the Winner of this year's presidential Elections will take control over the 119th congress. This shooting and attempt on DJT's life was at 6:11pm Est. 611 is an inverted 9/11! This was also a span of 48 Weeks, and this was at a Trump Rally=48, where we saw an attempted Homicide=48 to Donald Trump=48. We saw the most acknowledged and Mentioned Eclipse this year on 4/8/2024.
The Great American Eclipse was exactly 3 Months 6 Days before this Ritual, that's the 3 six's "666." This is tying us right back into the Beast, the number Six Six Six=48 we were told was the Number of a Man in Revelations 13:18, But hey if you want to keep listening to those Screaming it was the Illuminati=48 then please go right ahead. Both Trump Rally=156, and Six Six Six=156 gave us "156" and in Mathematics 911 is the 156th Prime Number... Once Again tying us into the Next 9/11 Event, I don't see any of these other "Decoders" out here making these connections! All I truly see is a bunch of Matching Numbers and People calling it "Decoding" while they claim they were telling people this would happen.... Ok Sure, whatever you say buddy. At Least We Been Telling the Story in Detail for the Whole World to SEE. Maybe now people can see just how scripted this Ritual TRUELY WAS! And how long we been calling for it to happen. By the way, we have only scraped the Surface on this! This goes way beyond mere human comprehension; this is certainly tied to the Alpha and Omega=48. This is the Omega Event we have Blogged, and done videos on in the past, the one we said would happen this year! Omega is the 24th letter in the Greek Alphabet, and we are in the 2024 year, it's all been about the 24! A.K.A Jupiter this year! Daddy Zues!
We all know that this was the Shot Heard Around the World that would cause a "Great Awakening=64" on a Day that added to 64 in Date Numerology. This was a "Chess Move" and that's all it was, it was literally on the Tel-O-Vison that Tells Lies to Your Vision, we saw what we were allowed to see, the chess board has 64 Squares on it. We are currently under the 46th President "Joe Biden=64." "As Above So Below, So Within So Without." I know everyone is going to be Quick to jump on the fact that this happened in "Pennsylvania=64," But it goes Deeper than that guys, this is the "Alpha and Omega=64" Number, the "Life and Death=64" number. A number tied to the Cult of "Zion=64" and the word "Kill=64" yes it also equals 64 good Job! some of you deserve a Cookie!
Like my work has shown, this was "The Great Omega Event=191" that took place exactly 191 days before the upcoming 2025 Presidential Inauguration.
191 is another anagram of 119/911! It is also the 43rd Prime number in Mathematics, tying us once again into "Lucifer=43." so the fact we see an "Active Shooter=191" truly is not surprising, even "Assassination=191." and this was a Clear assassination attempt. I did literally laugh when I heard the Orange Guy say, "Let me Get My Shoes=191" This man is one of the Biggest "False Prophets=191" the world has ever seen, yet I see so many people falling for this Nonsense! This happened 8 minutes into his speech, that's Clear Dragon Energy=191. I truly don't know why people believe in this Man, HE IS A FALSE PROPHET, even Donald Trump=60, False Prophet=60. ***Sout out to Plato's Bro for the Dragon Energy=191 Code*** TY Brother! This Shooting took place exactly "8" minutes into Trumps Speach and reports said at least "8" shots were Fired, so clearly a Dragon Ritual in the Dragon year. That's also two eight's "88" like Trump=88. I don't even find it a Coincidence Maga was trading at $8.82 on this day up 39%, MAGA is the Highest Form of MAGIC in the Church of Satan.... I sure there are many that are unaware of this and think it's just "Make America Great Again..." Thank You Lisa/DivineJourney for bringing this Crypto to my attention! We LOVE YOU LISA!
7/13 was the 195th day of the Year.
We saw this Ritual conspire on the 195th day of the year, yet again another Anagram for 159, like "Donald Trump=159" This will mark "A Week to Remember=159." I'm also not surprised this takes place during Saturn's Retrograde, here we know Saturn as Father time, the Grim Reaper A.K.A DEATH. This has everything to do with the "Lord of Lords=159" the one who holds the "Rings of Power=159." Saturn has the Rings to Rule all other Planets. This we know took place on 7/13, or internationally written 13/7. 137 is the "Thirty third=159" Prime Number in Mathematics. Of course, Yes, the Q-Anons are back screaming "John F Kennedy Jr=159" was in attendance, even though He was Assassinated in 1968... Anyways, trump was the President charged with an "Insurrection=159" of the January 6th Rally, but if people TRUELY knew the definition of Insurrection, then they would have known an Insurrection when we truly saw one, when Election Day in 2020 turned into Election Week... but hey I'll shut up. Damn son, I guess you can just call me the "Marshawn Lynch=159" of Decoding, A.K.A "Beast Mode=159." Ok I'll behave now; I know I play too much.
This attempted "187" Homicide on Ol' Donny Boy took place exactly 19 weeks before the Anniversary of the JFK assassination of 1963, kind of giving off the same energy of C-19, another World/Life Changing event we all were a part of and got to witness 4 years ago, but if you understand NUMBERS you'd know this 19 Weeks is also observed as 18 Weeks and 7 days, the 187 code tying us back into Skull and Bones the "Brotherhood of Death=187."
In the past several years I have done a few "Remember Remember the 5th of November" Videos for my "Pioneers=115," trying to get people to remember the Anarchy and Chaos that we saw in this movie. November Eleventh, "11/5" is the Elections, and this happened 115 days before the Elections once again showing the Power of "Lucifer=115" in play here. This happened to "President Donald John Trump=115" just one day after Julius Caesar's birthday this year. Caesar=115 as well. This was exactly 17 Weeks and 1 Day after the "Ides of March" on "3/15" and it was the day leaving 171 days left in the year. For those that know anything about the Calendar, well they know March is truly the 1st Month, making Caesar's death day actually 1/15. Pretty crazy huh?
"Had to go to Work guys, will be back to finish" Much Love!
I love how CNN is out here saying this Assassination attempt was "Mostly Peaceful" that was Golden... lol. But you can see they tell you to Text Pennsylvania to 88022.... well 88-22=66. Donald John Trump=66. This is "the Number of a MAN=66" the "Number of the BEAST=66" a Tribute to "Moloch=66." Remember this is straight from "Revelations 13:3=66" the verse that speaks about the BEAST getting a Head Wound. Bullet=36 the 3 6's (666) Bull-et, Moloch is the BULL!
You can see a Bullet Flying past Trumps Head, or his "Corona=66" which is Latin for Crown, and trump was shot in his Crown Chakra. Showing us the next Corona and the "Next Nine Eleven=66" Event has started, the Precursor to Civil War on American Soil. Why else would his first words be "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT=66" because he is here to CAUSE Division and nothing more, he is Not Here to Give YOU "Freedom=66." This "Homicide=66" attempt is here to cause "Insurrection=66" in our Country and it is the signal of the "Fall of Babylon=66." Even the day this event happened was tied to the 66, 7/13 or 13/7 the Thirty Third=66 Prime number gives us these 66 connections back to Moloch. I know many will scream this is just "Conspiracy Theories=66," but to me it is "Divine Truth=66." Was trump showing us something with his Hat, having the 45-47 embroidered on it? 4+5=9 4+7=11, 911 soon to come? it was on the same side of the Hat that he got his "Ear" head Wound on.
We know that this is the Presidential Elections for the 47th President of the United States.
Not even 24 hours after the event transpired, we saw Jonathan Willis one of the rooftop
Officers come out on an Anonymous Blog post saying that he had the Shooter in his sights for at least 3 minutes.... but the Head of the "Secret Service=47" refused to give him the Order to take out the prep... Kind of makes you wonder who the Head of the Secret Service was at this point does it not? It certainly should, but in case you're still wondering it was a women named, Kimberly Cheatle=149. keep in mind "Skull and Bone=149" but She is the current Director of the United States Secret Service=149. This is the same women that was involved in the Evacuation of VP Dick Cheney during the 9/11 attacks, yet again with the 9/11 connections... born one year after the August 15th Richard Nixion Shock of 1971... and we are about to see Biden removed from Office just like we saw Nixion get removed. Kimberly Cheatle=46 and Biden is #46, and this happened 4 Weeks 6 Days before her next birthday.
Kimberly A. Cheatle=47 is the First Women to be the Secret Service=47 Director, all of this confirming to me even more that we are about to witness the First Female President and New Queen on the World Stage. "President=47." we also can see from the date this woman Assumed office was 666 days prior to this Assassination Attempt yet again showing us the power of the Numbers and that the Beast will soon Rise from the Abyss of Tartarus. In my personal opinion this confirms who the "Beast=47" is, it is clearly "Trump=47," I know many will disagree with this because they treat this man as the Second coming of Jesus, but the Beast will trick so many into following him is what we have ALWAYS BEEN TOLD.
This shot heard around the world is something that I genuinely believe could potentially lead to America being placed back on "Lockdown=119." There's a reason we witnessed this event. Whether orchestrated by man or a higher power, it was meant to be seen by the "All Seeing Eye=119" of mankind, also known as "Your Mind=119." This incident is designed to ignite "Civil War=119" in America. Trump was shot in "The Right Ear=119," further adding to the symbolic significance of the event.
As you can all tell this Trump=29 Event has carried my blog straight through the 29th Week of the year, not surprising huh? It really isn't to me at least. One thing I kept telling my Pioneers & Spartans was we had to start seeing Bitcoin close back above $59K in the Dragon=59 year before I could get Bullish again on Higher Time Frames for the overall Crypto market, and it truly wasn't shocking that we did just that on the same day we saw this Assassination attempt on Trump. So, in a sense the Markets Rallied for Trump, just like we have seen a ton of Americans Rallying for this Man, Who I truly believe now is the Antichrist. Only those who have the Ears to Hear, and Eyes to See will understand this, but most Americans are now covering their Ears with a Bandage just like he has been, talk about starting the Next Trend. "Ear Bandage=29." Let us Pray....